Code of Professional Responsibility


1. Commitment to the Teaching Profession

I will maintain public trust and confidence in the teaching profession by: 

  1. demonstrating a commitment to providing high-quality and effective teaching

  2. engaging in professional, respectful and collaborative relationships with colleagues

  3. demonstrating a high standard of professional behaviour and integrity

  4. demonstrating a commitment to tangata whenuatanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership in the learning environment

  5. contributing to a professional culture that supports and upholds this Code.

2. Commitment to Learners

I will work in the best interests of learners by:

  1. promoting the wellbeing of learners and protecting them from harm

  2. engaging in ethical and professional relationships with learners that respect professional boundaries

  3. respecting the diversity of the heritage, language, identity and culture of all learners

  4. affirming Māori learners as tangata whenua and supporting their educational aspirations

  5. promoting inclusive practices to support the needs and abilities of all learners

  6. being fair and effectively managing my assumptions and personal beliefs.

3. Commitment to Families and Whānau

I will respect the vital role my learners' families and whānau play in supporting their children's learning by:

  1. engaging in relationships with families and whānau that are professional and respectful

  2. engaging families and whānau in their children’s learning

  3. respecting the diversity of the heritage, language, identity and culture of families and whānau.

4. Commitment to Society

I will respect my trusted role in society and the influence I have in shaping futures by:

  1. promoting and protecting the principles of human rights, sustainability and social justice

  2. demonstrating a commitment to a Tiriti o Waitangi based Aotearoa New Zealand

  3. fostering learners to be active participants in community life and engaged in issues important to the wellbeing of society.


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